Looking back on European Cyber Security Challenge 2018: the afterglow of a synergetic competition

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The fifth edition of the European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) organised by Cyberchallenge UK in cooperation with ENISA took place on 15 and 16 October 2018 at the Tobacco Dock in London, United Kingdom.

The event brought together 170 participants, which were selected during cyber security challenges on a national level, to compete against each other in a pan-European spirit. New participating countries during this edition were Belgium and France.

It all started 5 years ago as the European Cyber Security tournament, initiated by the European Commission, Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Since then, the competition has grown intensively, bringing together 17 countries in this year’s edition.

Head of Operational Security Unit of ENISA, Desmosthenes Ikonomou, welcomed the participants at the ECSC and greeted public officials and representatives from France, Denmark, Norway and Czech Republic: “The objectives of the ECSC are threefold: nurture young talents, promote career growth in cybersecurity and endorse national cybersecurity challenges. This challenge takes place in the context of the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM), a month dedicated to bring awareness on cybersecurity, online safety and privacy. ENISA strongly believes lifelong learning in the area of cybersecurity is a key priority for Europe and the ECSC platform enables the next generation of information security experts. ENISA is committed to continue supporting European countries in nurturing cyber security talent and contribute to closing the gender gap in cybersecurity and technology.”

During the competition, participants were asked to solve challenges that required a wide variety of technical skills, including mobile, web, forensics, and network security. In this year’s edition, a physical challenge was added as a new element that brought the participants to leave the main competition area and try to break into a bandstand where a new challenge was awaiting them.

In parallel with the ECSC, a job fair was organised in the Tobacco Dock: Cyber Re:coded. The purpose of the job fair was to bring the new cyber talent in contact with the cyber industry.                                                                                                                                 

The victorious team of ECSC 2018 is Germany, followed by France and the United Kingdom. Congratulations to all participants for the excellent work, energy and team effort. Save the Date for the ECSC 2019, which will be hosted by Cyber Challenge Romania in Bucharest from 13 to 15 October 2019.

The European Cyber Security Challenge is a project facilitated by the EU Cybersecurity Agency ENISA and the EU Member States.

For media inquiries about this event please contact press@enisa.europa.eu. Please check www.ecsc.eu for more information, or contact us at ecsc@enisa.europe.eu. For media inquiries please use press@enisa.europa.eu.